Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tues 09/21/10

HW: Pages 95-99 #9, 10, and 12-31 all. FOR THE PROOFS: YOU MUST COPY ALL THE GIVEN AND PROVE STATEMENTS. YOU MUST DRAW ALL DIAGRAMS. YOU MUST TITLE YOUR PROOF, PROOF. YOU MUST CREATE A 2-COLUMN PROOF AND LABEL IT STATEMENTS AND REASONS. For the other problems, copy all their information, then state and highlight the answer.
This assignment is due Thursday. Just work on it for 30 minutes tonight. You will continue it in class tomorrow. Consider it Wednesday's HW too.

Today: I let you see your graded tests from Friday. You will be able to take them home tomorrow. Promise!
Also, we discussed some common mistakes and misconceptions from the problems on the test. Please pay close attention to these remarks!

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