Wednesday, January 12, 2011

HW: So far, we have worked on finding the coordinates of centroid and the circumcenter of the right triangle in our handout. We left off thinking about how to bisect one of the 2 acute angles of the right triangle. Your homework is to keep thinking about it and test out your idea(s) to see if it is indeed the angle bisector. Also, find the orthocenter of the triangle.

In period 5, T.J. suggested a great way of finding the angle bisector mentioned above. It involves an isosceles triangle, the distance formula and the midpoint formula. See, IT IS possible!! Think about it! I only give you hints so that maybe you can figure it out yourself.

Tomorrow, YOU will begin working on the same type of problem but with a different triangle (back side of the handout). So, keep all your work organized and use it for this harder version.

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