Tuesday, March 1, 2011

HW: 2 new double-sided handouts with practice problems for Thursday's test. You do not have to finish all 4 sides tonight. Do as many problems as you can in 30-40 minutes (without interruptions). We will continue to work on these problems tomorrow in class - and correct them too!

TEST THURSDAY!!!!!!! sections 7-1 to 7-4.

Today: We went over the HW problems from last night. We learned the rest of the theorems and corollaries of lesson 7-4 (Theorems 7-4 to 7-6 and corollaries 7-1, 7-2). We completed yesterday's handout (both sides). One side had 5 problems that were all done in class eventually and the other side of the handout had notes on the lesson. We drew diagrams to represent the above theorems and corollaries.

Tomorrow: review chapter 7 (first 4 sections only).
Study for the test:
similar polygons, ratios, proportions, similar triangles, AA sim. postulate, SSS sim. thm., SAS sim. thm., parallel lines and proportional parts, old HW, old handouts, definitions, same old!

TEST THURSDAY!!!!!!! sections 7-1 to 7-4.

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